Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Logo Design

These are the first stages of my logo design. I tried to incorporate the ideas of some of the logos i found into my own designs. I actually found it really difficult and just wanted to pick up a pencil and paper and draw the logo instead of making it on the computer, so maybe instead of trying to make a certain shape that I liked in someone else's logo I should have just looked at them all as a whole for inspiration and then designed my own. These are the different logos i came up with at the start, i don't think any of them work too well but i guess that in the first stages experimenting leads on to a better design.

I think typography is really important and can set a logo apart from the rest. I liked the typography in this logo and tried to create something similar with the way the word saturn was written, i think it has a very sci-fi feel to it and would like to have used it in my final design but it doesn't really fit in with the image i made. I also tried something similar to the image here but don't like the way the shapes are restricted in a box.

I found this Zen logo interesting and tried to incorporate the handwritten font in my own. I wanted to create something modern and a bit different so I tried a brush technique to create the rings. I decided that both the rings and the font would lose their detail once reduced.

I tried to make a logo which had reference to the rings of saturn. The third image influenced my colour choices, i think purple and green work well together. I struggled trying to give the rings the shape i wanted and thought the logo was too large and out of place.

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